
From garden to table. The children of Creative School get to enjoy the fruits (and vegetables) of our garden.

Holi Celebration
Holi is celebrated to welcome the beginning of spring and is known as the “festival of color”. It is celebrated in late February or early March.

Arts and Crafts
"Creativity is intelligence having fun." - Albert Einstein

Cooking is great way to develop children's fine motor skills. We love allowing children to be hands on with the activities.

Sunflower Activity
We love letting the children of CSC explore different plants. Our VPK classroom was exploring where sunflower seeds come from.

"To plant a garden is to believe in tomorrow." -Audrey Hepburn

Science Activity
For methods of measure, we focused on three different ways to measure our pumpkins: height, circumference, and weight. We talked about what each of those different words mean, how they can be measured, and the units of measurement.